Corporate Social Responsibility Our Initiatives

Environmental Sustainability

With our commitment towards climatic campaigns, MRC is meticulously running voluntary campaigns targeting the scopes of environmental sustainability. Post industrialization, the rise in the level of pollution and environment degradation has risen to a very adverse level. In addition, having an active role in this industrialization, we do share an equal responsibility to its after effects. So, ultimately this becomes our responsibility to formulate strategies for managing these adversely changing climatic conditions.

One such commitment towards climate change initiatives is by escalating the green index of our product folio. Most of our products are checked on greening index parameter ensuring they are safe to be used in the environment. We have designed construction projects incorporating solar-panels, equipment harnessing natural wind and solar energy and green belts at most.

In last few years, we have voluntarily planted hundreds of sapling in our work area, commercial and residential sites to contribute to our more green belt campaign. This campaign is aimed to increase the green belt in commercial as well as residential zones through the plantation.